Change any activity into a Guided Speaking activity

(What's in the box? Game)

The fastest, most efficient way to acquire a language is by speaking it. Our brains are wired to speak languages. The Guided Speaking approach was developed to fill the gap of not-enough-speaking in the foreign language classroom.

One of the main objectives is to have As Many Speakers As Possible (AMSAP). To reach that objective As Often As Possible, Guided Speaking developed speaking guides that guide students, so that even students with very low levels of spoken language can start speaking from day one of their foreign language experience. 


1) STUDENTS LOVE A FUN CHALLENGE .. Instead of just introducing animals by pictures, turn it into a fast word challenge. A simple power point presentation with the animals, can get students speaking immediately. Tell them the names of a few animals and then have the students say the names (all together) quickly, as you point from one to the next. Point faster and faster and see if the class can keep up with the speed. So easy and so fun. 

2) REMEMBER 2 = TALKING ... Another easy activity is Questions & Answers. Instead of reading a story/article or watching a film and then asking the class one question at a time, try making simple Student A/B Q & A question cards. Put the students in pairs and then give each student a different question card. You now have reached maximum AMSAP so all the students are engaged, listening and talking! The questions can be more complicated while the answers can be single word answers or whole sentence answers (depending on the level).  

       Ex) What color was the car?  or   How many brothers did Pia have? 

With a little creativity, any activity can be a speaking activity!